Danish self-excluded reaches 40,000

In 2012, the regulator became one of the first countries in the world to launch an online self-exclusion platform. In 2016, Spillemyndigheden opted to expand the service to include physical casino entities.

The number of Danes who take part in the scheme has increased dramatically since its inception, rising from 1500 in 2012 to over 40,000 by February 2023. The regulator announced it had achieved the previous milestone of 30,000 registrations in January 2022.

“The increase shows us that ROFUS is a useful tool that makes sense,” said Spillemyndigheden director Anders Dorph. “ROFUS fulfills an important role in terms of ensuring the protection of the players who need a shorter or longer break.”

Spillemyndigheden said that the rise in registrations to the platform over the years was driven by the increased focus by the organisation of spreading awareness.

the regulator said the rise in number was due to increased awareness

“Since 2016, we have worked intensively on spreading awareness of ROFUS, said Dorph. “We have done this, among other things, through two major campaigns on TV and social media, and we have succeeded to that extent: In our latest survey in 2021, 45% of all Danes knew ROFUS.”

“I believe that our campaigns have helped to make ROFUS known to the Danish population. It is important to us that the Danes know the possibility of self-exclusion if they feel that the game is taking over.”

Danish self-exclusion consistent trends

According to the regulator, there have been a number of consistent trends over the service’s 11-year lifespan. The first is that the majority of consumers who sign up for the platform opt to do so on a permanent basis, with 66% choosing to do so. Another trend highlighted by Spillemyndigheden is that most of the scheme’s users are men, at 76% of the total registrations.   

“It is essential to ensure a safe gambling market that those who need to exclude themselves from gambling for a shorter or longer period of time can do so easily and effectively,” said Anders Dorph. “That is why ROFUS is a success, and we are happy to have such a well-functioning offer for Danish players.”

Alongside ROFUS, Spillemyndigheden also operates a helpline StopSpillet, which offers advice and guidance to those experiencing or at risk of gambling-related harms.

In December 2022, the regulator announced that had updated ROFUS with a new look aimed at making it easier for consumers to access and navigate.

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