Intelligent Profiling

Players are our most valuable asset and our marketing teams have spent time, effort and budget to acquire them.

Making gambling better and safer for everybody

Now with Intelligent Profiling technology we can ensure that you keep them.

UK Consumers per Year
0 %
Average Age
Problem Gambling Rate
0 %

One Step Ahead

Affordability Checks

Intelligent Profiling Affordability Checking Module enables you to pre-empt and pre-comply with forthcoming regulation by introducing proactive Affordability Checking.

The ACM module utilises the FDE cycle developed by John von Neumann and at the heart of modern day computing. The tried and trusted Fetch -> Decode -> Execute allows our AI driven sub-system to trigger timely in-session messages where various data points are captured prior to having to request proof of income details.

These data points are securely and anonymously stored within the Intelligent Profiling secure data servers and used to develop the affordability assessment and vulnerability scoring results. By capturing minimal data points at various time through the player lifecycle a full responsible gaming results set is developed.

With minimal integration to your operational application servers, IP runs entirely from the log-files which have already been generated by your system architecture.


Our Affordability Checking Module is entirely non-intrusive and is designed to ensure that your player is aware of that. In-session messages are triggered at calculated times derived from our AI engine in real-time to ensure not to disrupt either the deposit or betting process.

Voluntary Participation

Taking a multi-phased approach to Affordability Checks, the player is clearly informed that participation is entirely optional and can be postponed or re-scheduled dependent on the calculated vulnerability level.
If Operator defined criteria thresholds have been exceeded and the player is deemed to be a potential 'problem' or 'at-risk' gambler these checks dynamically migrate from voluntary to mandatory.


There are multiple schools of thought with regard to friction caused by player interaction but our system proves that the player is happy to conduct a minimal amount of communication with an external safeguarding party.


The option to reward players for different levels of participation is controlled through the operators web-based management console. This allows different segments of players to be offered varying reward packages depending on the level of Affordability Checks completed.

Cloud Based

All Intelligent Profiling modules are cloud based and hosted on either the Amazon EC2 or Google ICloud. By utilising dynamic DNS we serve our modules to your players on the fastest servers located closest to your clients.

Seamless Integration

The Affordability Checking Module is specifically designed for ease of integration and will require a minimal effort from your technical teams. We use domain level mapping to ensure that all security aspects and player experience operate smoothly.

Affordability Checking Module

Distribution Models

Initial segmentation utilises existing data from multiple sources to accurately segment your players into highly granular vulnerability groups. After this the IP Artificial Intelligence Engine takes over and migrates players dynamically.

Dynamic Segmentation of your Players

We ensure that only ‘at-risk’ or ‘vulnerable’ players are contacted by the Affordability Checking Module.

Affordability Checking Module

Security through Simplicity

Nobody wants to burden their valued players with a plethora of questions on a regular basis, but we all want to keep them safe. The IP Affordability Checking Module ensures that only pertinent questions are asked but hold far more value than could be initially be conceived.

The Simplest of Questions Hold the Greatest Value

By utilising the OCEAN personality traits model within our AI Engine we define contact questions and rules.

Affordability Checking Module

Checking Levels & Segmentation

It’s important that the correct checking levels are applied to the relevant player segments. This section describes how these segments are created and dynamically adjusted.

Level 1 Checks

Our Level 1 checks are entirely voluntary and can be skipped by the player at any time. The use of Level 1 Checks allows our AI engine to measure the acceptability of volunteering information by different player demographics.

Level 2 Checks

The ACM will identify a number of 'at-risk' or 'vulnerable' players and tag these players for Level 2 Checks. The Level 2 Checks become a mandatory requirement and each operator can define the action if these checks are not completed.

Level 3 Checks

Level 3 checks come into place when players have exceeded any one of a variety of Operator defined criteria or become flagged by the ACM AI engine.

Affordability Checking Module

QuickStart Guide

We can have you up and running with the first phase of affordability checks within one week, The following guide acts as an overview to the process.

Contracts are formalised and Non-Disclosure Agreements signed.

The addition of a single line to your existing Terms and Conditions informs your players that a subset of anonymous data will be shared with Intelligent Profiling. This is to ensure that all data protection requirements are met.

An initial session with your DBA & DevOps teams will be required to agree the data structure for transfer of datasets.

An addition to your corporate DNS entry will be required in order to enable a subdomain such as

The IP Technical Team work with your DBA and DevOps to create the initial player segmentation and assign each player a unique IP identity.

The new player data feed is configured so that all new registered players are appointed an IP-ID.

The IP system then analyses the initial player segmentation data and dynamically groups existing players into vulnerability groups.

The IP system then analyses the initial player segmentation data and dynamically groups existing players into vulnerability groups.

On completion of the initial Affordability Analysis a Player Vulnerability report will be available in your Operator dashboard.


Our QuickStart process can have you pre-complying with affordability checking within a week.

A single line must be added to your existing Terms and Conditions informing the players that a subset of anonymous data will be shared with Intelligent Profiling. This is to ensure that all data protection requirements are met.

The IP Technical Team work with your DBA and DevOps to create the initial player segmentation and assign each player a unique IP identity.

The new player data feed is configured so that all new registered players are appointed an IP-ID.

The IP system then analyses the initial player segmentation data and dynamically groups existing players into vulnerability groups.

On completion of the initial Affordability Analysis a Player Vulnerability report will be available in your Operator dashboard.