World Series of Politics: The NFL, the Wire Act and Brazil

The dynamic duo kick off by discussing sports betting activity around the National Football League’s kickoff on 8 September. This season is set to be the biggest ever for sports betting; 46.6 million Americans plan to place a bet on during the season. 

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However, there’s some issues emerging on where bets can be placed – the league is trying to prevent betting on match days. 

There’s also some intrigue around the Wire Act, in the wake of a Rhode Island District Court judge ruling that the Department of Justice must formally state that it only applies to sports betting. Could this provide much-needed clarity after an attempt to enforce the act across all forms of gambling?

Does this mean the issue is dead and buried? Brandt is confident, but Brendan is not so sure. 

Further afield, Brazil is preparing to go to the polls in a vote that could have huge consequences for gambling regulation. Find out what to watch when the results start rolling in. 

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