IBIA renews betting data partnership with H2 Gambling Capital

Under the agreement, H2 will remain as the official betting market data partner of IBIA, with IBIA to have access to H2’s market database of approximately two million data points covering more than gambling jurisdictions in over 100 countries.

Since the partnership began, IBIA has used H2 data to respond to regulatory consultations and wider market activities with the aim of improving standards and integrity. 

The organisations will also continue to run deeper dive assessments of markets considered sub-optimal to licensed operator development, having previously partnered on other reports.

These include the Optimum Betting Market Study which, published in June 2021, ranked the regulation of the betting industry in 20 jurisdictions across six continents over a range of licensing models. 

“IBIA works closely with key stakeholders, such as regulatory authorities, to ensure that suitable licensing and mitigating process are in place to protect markets from corruption,” IBIA chief executive Khalid said. “Having access to accurate and reliable market data, to add to our global integrity data, is a critical facet of that outreach. 

“H2 Gambling Capital is the foremost authority on global gambling markets and our partnership has been a vital component of IBIA’s integrity best practice advocacy activities around the world. We are delighted to renew and maintain that relationship.”

H2 director David Henwood added: “We’ve known the team at IBIA since the early days and to witness the organisation’s growth at close quarters in the time since has been truly impressive. 

“With so many new markets still to open up and other more established ones now starting to see their frameworks tighten, it is more important than ever to continue to provide that independent optimal market view and ensure any regulatory decisions that are made are underpinned by the most accurate market data and analysis.”

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