Zeal and BildungsChancen raise €15m for social projects

The money was raised through Zeal and BildungsChancen’s joint lottery products – Freiheit+ and Deutsche Traumhauslotterie.

The money has helped to support 250 charity projects. In total, 80% of the money was given to educational projects ran by BildungsChancen shareholders – Stifterverband, SOS Kinderdörfer weltweit and Deutsche Kinder und Jugendstiftung. The remaining 20% was directed towards independent sponsors.

“We are proud of having already generated 15 million euros for social projects together with BildungsChancen,” said Helmut Becker, CEO of Zeal. “The aim of our cooperation has always been to make a valuable contribution to society and to financially support as many educational projects as possible.

“The fact that we have already been able to support 250 different projects in a very short time with a true record sum pleases us even more.”

A board of trustees decide on the allocation of funds three times every year.

“Our goal is to support educational projects,” said Benedict M Rey, managing director of BildungsChancen. “For this reason, we are proud to be able to support so many educational organisations together with Zeal and the joint lottery products.

“We will continue to offer attractive products together to support educational projects in Germany and around the world.”

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