Capacity limits and mask rules eased at Star Sydney casino

Certain measures within the Greater Sydney region of New South Wales will be relaxed from 12 February, with Star Sydney able to host more customers as a result.

Hospitality venues will be required to operate in line with a ‘one person per two square metres’ rule, which has been reduced from the previous rule of one person per four square metres.

As a result, Star Sydney said it will be able to host up to 10,000 patrons at any one time across its total casino area.

Customers will also no longer be required to wear masks in gaming rooms at the casino, with this rule having also been relaxed by the government.

Easing of restrictions mean the casino will now operate under similar conditions applicable at the property from 7-20 December.

The latest official government figures showed no new locally transmitted cases of Covid-19 were recoded in New South Wales in the 24-hour period to 8pm on 10 February, with just four acquired overseas.

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